De Engelstalige gratis online cursus (masterniveau), getiteld 'Education for Sustainable Development - an introduction' is een initiatief van de Universiteit van Göteborg. Arjen Wals (Hoogleraar Transformatief Leren voor Sociaal-ecologische Duurzaamheid, Wageningen University) maakt deel uit van het internationale docententeam.
Hier onder de tekst van de Engelstalige flyer. Aanvullende informatie over de cursus vind je op de website van de Universiteit van Göteborg en kennismaken met Arjen en zijn werkgebied kan via dit filmpje.
Learning for sustainable development
What is the role and responsibility of education to not only respond to sustainability problems, but also to prevent them and create more sustainable futures? This question is at the core of the web-based course in Education for Sustainable Development.
The course is of interest if you:
- Want to work for increased public awareness, knowledge and action competence in sustainable development;
- Are interested in supporting learning for sustainable development among diverse groups;
- Are involved in social movements for people, animals, and the environment, and want to learn more about the role of education in creating a more equitable, peaceful, and ecologically viable world;
- Are a teacher/educator looking for ideas and strategies to better integrate education for sustainable development in your classrooms or in community settings.
Related to your interests
In this 15 credit MSc-level Master’s course you will critically and actively explore central concepts and perspectives in the field of education for sustainable development. The course content will be related to your own interests and prior experiences. You will be among other Master students from different parts of the world with different backgrounds (e.g. environmental sciences, social sciences, economics, arts and humanities). It is a distance course with all teaching carried out online.